Money Mistakes Happy Hour Style

Today is the last Friday of the month which means it's happy hour time on the podcast. If you are new to the podcast, on the last Friday of every month I host a happy hour where I invite my friends on to drink cheap drinks with me and discuss various money topics together. This happy hour is particularly special as it's the first time that the four of us have recorded together in one place.We were fortunate enough to get a slot at the FinCon podcast recording stage so we were not only in the same room, but we also had an audience. I hope you pardon some of the sound quality and speaking over each other as it's tough to edit these live shows. As you will hear, though, we clearly enjoyed ourselves and had fun connecting with the audience as well.In case you missed Monday's post, Martinis and Your Money is now an award winning podcast!!!!! This humble little show beat out Bigger Pockets, Money Girl, Listen Money Matters and So Money with Farnoosh Torabi to win the Plutus Award for Best Personal Finance Podcast. It is a great honor and I thank everyone who has supported the show.If you have any show topics or suggestions for future episodes, please leave them in the comments. I am actively recording new material with awesome guests that I can't wait to share with you!

What are we drinking?

podcasting stage

podcasting stage

Mrs. Frugalwoods from Frugalwoods - Water (in a plastic martini glass)

Melanie from Dear Debt - FinCon Martini

Tonya from Budget and the Beach - FinCon Martini

Shannon - FinCon Martini

Podcast Notes:

  • Melanie kicks off the panel's revelations on money mistakes and hers is so epic that you will just have to listen to the show to hear it

  • Tonya shares that she overspent during the period before she started freelancing full-time

  • Mrs. Frugalwoods revealed that she and Mr. Frugalwoods made a number of small money mistakes along the way as they didn't pay attention to their money choices

  • Shannon shared how she traded in a fully paid for and fully operational car for a new model causing her to lose thousands in a down payment and pay hundreds in monthly payments

  • Melanie shares great advice for moving on from money mistakes

  • Mrs. Frugalwoods talks about the joys of frugal discoveries rather than money mistakes

  • Tonya talks about how boring perfect is

  • Shannon quotes a book she read after college - If Life is a Game, These are the Rules

  • We take some questions from the audience including what money mistakes have you made while drunk?

  • The martinis start to kick in and silliness ensues

What is a money mistake you have made big or small? How did you overcome it?